Sharon is The Wandering Fairy (also known as Lobelia!). We lived and played together in New York. Sharon has always intrigued me – her placid and earthly nature is so inviting and she remains so open and non-judgmental and above all…free. We have only recently refused our energies and its been so wonderful to share my life and thoughts with her again. She is definitely an earth fairy – she does exalt!
In the garden, among the flowers, the Wandering Fairies is shining brightly. Playing along the breeze in the sunshine, dancing with stars above them nightly. With a heart as light as feathers she flitter about, every challenge is faced with a wink and a laugh. She collect the raindrops from the leaves of the willowing trees, eyes filled with wonder as she travels life's path. She gathers sweet nectar from fine smelling clover, makes miniature houses on branches of trees. Her hours are filled with the softest of pleasures until she settles down into a slumberous ease. Dreams full of magic carries her to the dawn, and in these hours is pleasantest rest. Weaving thoughts of tomorrow all hopeful and splendid. Resilient, lighthearted, radiant and free will the Wandering Fairy always be.
Shevy is my soul mate, but not in the traditional sense that we associate soulmates to be, it goes much deeper than that. We met in our Std 8 maths class and our mutual obsession of Grease got the ball rolling and pretty soon we planned to go on a Contiki trip through Europe as soon as we finished Matric. We stuck to our plan and did it. We had the adventure of a lifetime. I will never forget my experience with Shev in Europe, it was just such a definitive moment in our lives. We still never learnt how to put a tent up properly, but it taught and showed us so much about life outside of South Africa. Shev has been in Sydney, Australia for the last 3 years and has just finished her degree in Sports Psychology (I beam with pride!) and I hope she does return to the UK so we can once again join forces! Where shall I begin to describe my love and affection for Shev…there is a saying “Dynamite comes in small packages” well Shev fits this expression perfectly! She is such a funkadelic, charming and witty Libra and she probably knows me inside and out. She never judges me or my actions and I feel totally at home around her. We plan to retire together and settle in a villa near a golf course! So in carrying through this intention, I see Shevaun in my past, present and future…
Frodo gathers her belongings and sets out on yet another trip, but before departing her Shire, she bids farewell to Merly, her lifelong companion and most treasured find. No tears are shed, instead Frodo sprinkles magical fairy dust upon Merly and Frodo takes for herself, a tiny bit of Merly’s essence. This essence she places in her pocket and keeps it with her through all her travels. To lands of pyramids, rolling mountains, salt plains, waterfalls, jungles of concrete and amazon, deserts, majestic table mountains and back to green hillsides. Through all her adventures, Frodo always brings Merly out to share the sights and splendor of what she sees, what she hears, thinks and experiences. When they next meet again, their reunion will be one of utter joy and they will dance in circle around each other, embracing their spirits, until once again they are binded together by all that is the past, present and future. For they are meant to always find each other, in this lifetime and the many lifetimes passed before. Always together, in spirit, in memory, in life.
Simone was also in the same high school as me, but it was only really after matric, that we really got to know each other and become friends. In high school (and now too!) Simone was one of those girls who you just did not want to mess with! What you see is exactly what you get. No games. She has an exterior intensity that can just draw you in or push you away. Luckily for me, I was reeled in and fell hook, line and sinker for this bundle of Sim joy! Beneath her gregarious and bubbly personality, lies a deeply compassionate and soft soul. Like a toffee with a melting, caramel centre. We have shared many raucous, loud, crazy, fun and memorable parties and moments together. It is like an everlasting firecracker goes off when Simone gets into full swing. When Simone and Chris moved to England two years ago, our friendship grew and keeps growing. In Simone’s company, I feel so at ease, as we share our feelings, thoughts, hopes and dreams. She has gotten me through a really tough time of late, and I cherish all her kind words of wisdom and advice that she has so freely given me. I hope to return that favour in the future. Simone is back in SA now, and although it’s always so difficult to find your feet again, after being away for so long, I know she will find her way soon and the doors of opportunity will be open wide for her.
" A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."~ Arabian Proverb
"Soul mates are locked at the heart and written in the heavens, promised to find one another when the time is right."
I was in the presence of Tyran since I was 11 or 12. But I only met him in September last year in South Africa. Confused? It’s only the beginning! We went to the same primary school, but we only formally were introduced last year when I went with Christine, Rox and Werner to Robertson. Although I kept referring to him as Trevor for the first day, we instantly connected! I can’t say I have ever formed such a deep friendship with someone, in such a short space. It was like upon meeting, our souls remembered each other from a lifetime previous. We share an uncanny telepathic connection – he mostly gets in there first, before I can proclaim it was my idea in the first place! Great minds indeed, think alike! Tyran is an IT wizard, and once you are lucky enough to get to know him, he throws all stereotypes of the profession, out the window. We have been to trance parties together and share many conversations about everything. It is difficult to describe the being that is the Tyrant, but I shall try in my own words and feelings. His human form loves all things scientific, logical, mathematical and technological. He loves people, understanding what makes them tick and all the little idiosyncrasies that make us individual. Curiosity will definitely not kill this cat (he is also of the magnificent Leo breed!). He is like a eager child, questioning the why? what ifs? how come? of life and people. But Tyran the Soul is a remarkable being and I struggle to find the words to describe all the good things I wish upon him and how I want to walk with him on his journey of self discovery and purpose. I see him in this vision…
On known lands, he begins his daily walk around his fields, he knows all the paths and routes – he walks them every day. One day he is distracted by the sight of a white rabbit, eagerly follows the rabbit and loses his path. The rabbit has led him to the entrance of a forest that he has never come across before. Was it always there? Should he turn back and find his path again, or should he follow the rabbit. Where will the rabbit take him? Is it safe? What is in the forest? Will reason win over curiosity? He throws caution to the wind and ventures into the forest and beholds in wonder the enchanting sights that engulf his senses. Although only on the edges of this forest, he can see far beyond the trees’ shadows, to a place of inner peace, solitude, hope and unity. A forest of such immense discovery and enlightenment, he can barely contain his excitement at this new discovery. How far shall he go into the rabbit’s hole…or shall he just turn back? When the time is right I know he will dive into the rabbit hole and he will arrive at his destination that he was always destined to be at. We continue to wave at each other under skies of different stars, until our waving hands meet with binded fingertips.
Wern Wern Wern! I met Werner through Roxanne a few years ago, and instantly liked him. Wern loves to entertain and be entertained! He is the master party organizer and you are always guaranteed a grand time when you are around him. When Werner is not being the Wern, he really is such a gentle being. Werner is such a friendly, down to earth and generous soul and he really does hold his friends in the highest regard. His friends (and Rox of course!) are what makes him happy and he will go to the ends of the earth and back again if you are privileged enough to be one of them. He loves sharing and his charm and generosity are unending, but he never asks for anything in return. Wern is also such a Leo (I am forming quite a Leo collection hey!) and embraces all the great qualities of his sun sign (optimistic, dignified, outspoken, loyal, focused and just down right lovable!) Wern has such a big heart and his energy brings him such success in life. Wern has said to me that he feels he is a ‘young soul’ because he just wants to be young forever and wants to experience everything. If only all of us could embrace the youthful enthusiasm and wanting that Wern has. Just stay as you are – just be The Wern!
The magnificent lion stalks across the savannah, he paces in sleek chivalric certainty. He creeps and he crawls in search of the curious. He lives a sleek, solitary and sensual existence carrying his aloof and imperious nature on broad shoulders. He lazes under the beating sun, absorbing the rays. He rolls around and prances about among the lady lions – always enjoying his dashing displays of ‘leoness’ grandeur. He takes long walks by himself, contemplating this and that, but always returning to his loyal posse that greets him with great affection. He will always gaze silently down on the setting dusk and up at the rising dawn, because this lion pays his worship to his sun, his giver of abundant energy and life. He is the lion whose mystique and idolatry is the elegant exemplary.
My thoughts and feelings. My loves and inspirations. My philosophies and discoveries. My life. Me.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Who’s Who in Orangeblossom’s Zoo (continued J-R)
“A butterfly lights beside us like a sunbeam. And for a brief moment it's glory and beauty belong to our world, but then it flies on again. And though we wish it could have stayed, we feel so lucky to have seen it.” - author unknown
I met Jodene (also known as Jo and Dimple Boffin!) while I was in New York and we instantly discovered we shared an unsaid bond. Still today, even if we don’t see each other for ages, when we do, we pick up right where we left off. There are no judgments, only happiness and joy at being able to be in each others company. Jo exceeds her young, earthly age to such an extent, that I tend to see her in a light of far greater wisdom and maturity than my own. I have seen her spiritual and personal growth expand in these recent years and she surprises me continually with her views and words of knowledge and understanding. She has an ability to see every side of an argument and her compassion and patience with others is truly remarkable. I bask in her sunshine. I hope to continue to walk this path with her, and I know we will have buckets full of fun along the way! We tend to speak in our own language and I often wonder if people think we can even understand one another when we chatter. People have asked if we are sisters, to which Jo informs them “No, we are not sisters, but we are soul sisters.” Touché. Soul Sista’s indeed!
I saw a butterfly go fluttering by on wings of orange, and silvery blue, and yellow too. She floats in the air, making her home most anywhere: The rainforest, field, and prairie land, on mountaintops, and desert sand. I said, "I'd love to fly with you and sail around the way you do. To fly up toward the summer sun. To have but one moment of such an exquisite flight, would be like a dream where all seems so right. But, alas, I have not your graceful charm. I haven't got wings, just these two arms. I've been designed to walk around and my human feet must always touch the ground.” Then she spoke to me and told me what her wish would be. She said, "What I'd love most to do is walk upon this Earth with you, to squish it's mud between my toes or touch my finger to my nose.” I reached up to her and carried her, gently, in my hand. I placed her on the mud and slowly sank until she could feel the squish. I brought her back up and she kissed my nose, then lifted me on her wings so that I could flitter through the clouds and kiss the petals of the flowers. And so I continue to carry my butterfly, and she continues to take me to greater heights.
I have known Johan since 1999, back when he was still in the Belgian army as a young recruit. Since then, we have always remained in contact and he continues to enrich my life with his stories, life and interests. Johan is a Leo too! (people are going to start thinking this is a criteria for me!) But besides this great quality, he possesses an ability to get you totally wrapped up in his writings. His passion is film and I swear he will break Hollywood soon! He has such a deep understanding for the art of film making and he carries this through in his scripts. I saw his first film earlier this year and I loved it (even though it cut out before the end!) It was so original and I got the full lowdown from Johan too – the behind the scenes action. Besides our mutual love of movies and books, he got me interested in Greek and Roman and general history, because he shared so much of what he learnt and understood with me. He is such an interesting, sensitive and well rounded spirit and I can really write about anything to him, and he will always express his opinions and views very honestly and openly. He has so much to offer the world and I hope that the world is graced with all his energy, passion, and enthusiasm!
I am not certain of the exact moment when Lee-ann and I met, sometime in high school, we were mostly in the same class the whole way through. But with Lee-ann, we always managed to find ourselves getting into all sorts of mischief and trouble. How could I ever forget the drama and stories of Monty’s, Bucknalls and Wild Side! And energy surrounds her and is magnetic (and the fact that she is oblivious to this, makes her even more charming!). She draws people to her, and she has such a contagious laugh and sense of humour, you just laugh with her always. Lee-ann has gone through many battles in her short life, but she continues to succeed in everything she endeavors. Besides the fact that she is a Leo as well, she naturally processes a bright inner light that shines through her. We share a therapist/patient relationship and visa versa and are always advising and commenting on each other’s love lives! Our motto is “Whatever happens, happens for a reason.” I know her angels are guiding and protecting her always. She is an angel herself, she just doesn’t realise it yet!
“Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.” - Author unknown
Tash was my flat mate in London back in 2001 and I met her when she was 8 months pregnant and I was there when her stunning baby girl, Jade, was born. Tash is an extraordinary person, she has overcome such hardships and struggles, but she has always kept afloat, through it all. She has gotten her life on track and she amazes me with her enduring and deep love for Jade. I can always sit back and relax with Tash, she holds no pretenses and we are always up for a giggle and chat. She brings out only the best in me, she sees the good in everything and everyone. She will always fight for the rights of others (both people and animals) and she has recently undertaken a child psychology course with the open university. I think it is her mission to learn to help others help themselves. I have sent her my angels to look after and protect her and I hope to always be near to give her my hand.
An extract from “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying”
I walk down the streetThere is a deep hole in the sidewalk I fall in.I am lost. I am hopeless.It isn't my fault.It takes forever to find a way out.I walk down the same street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalkI pretend I don't see it.I fall in again.I can't believe I'm in the same place again.But it isn’t my fault.It still takes long time to get out.I walk down the same street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I see it is there.I still fall in? It's a habitMy eyes are openI know where I amIt is my fault.I get out immediately.I walk down the same street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalk I walk around it.I walk down another street.
I met Rene back in 2003, when I returned from New York, back to England. She was my uncle’s girlfriend’s daughter (but she is now my cousin-in-law!) and I got her number from her mom back in South Africa. We met up in Camden and went for a coffee that lasted 3 hours! We share many common interests and over the last two years, we have both been more open and inviting to new alternative ways of thinking and looking at life. Rene has gotten me hooked on Angel and Tarot cards (thank you my special Earth Angel!) and I every time I catch up with her, we get whisked away into our own world of esoteric discovery and wonder. I love the exchange of energy we have when we are together and I only wish everything of the pure and good upon her, because she deserves all that and so much more.
She drifts on the clouds as they float peacefully by. Like an angel out to play, she dances with fairies as they all roll and tumble around on puffs of cotton, making shapes and forms of earthly creatures and self portraits of themselves. She tip toes from one to another, like a game of hop scotch, and when she sneezes, she blesses the earth with vital showers of rain, life and love.
I her Bumblebee and she my Hunny Bunny. Rox sat behind me in our Std 6 class and actually was not very fond of me at first (cant blame her really, I was a bit of a snob and used to pass papers back to her in frustration esp if she took like more than 5 seconds to take it from me!! Shooo!) Anyway we have Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” book to thank for bringing us together (it’s a long story and I wont delve into it – but it involved our English teacher, Accounting teacher and our vivid adolescent imaginations! Enough said!). We were then separated for the next 4 years, and it was only really in our final Matric year that we became close again. I share a rich history with Rox and in the years that I have been overseas, our friendship has strengthen and evolved. It keeps evolving, but my love and affection for her never changes. Rox is very picky with her friends (aren’t I the lucky straw that was picked!) and I am grateful for every experience and moment I have been with her. There is never a dull moment when we are together – there is always raucous laughter bellowing out of us. Sometimes I don’t know why we laugh so much – maybe it is the invisible feathers that our merging energies tickle us with. Rox has obtained her degree in occupational therapy and it is with this and her natural gift for healing, that she touches the lives and souls of those lucky to be close enough to feel her warmth, love and compassion. She is always craving deeper knowledge and understanding of the human body and psyche, she is a Piscean mermaid and she sings songs for all to hear in her deep ocean soul.
She sits by the ocean sitting alone on a rock, combing her hair of gold. Watching the coming and going of tides, watching the gulls as they hover above, watching the yachts as they head to the shore. She waves at me standing on the edge of the tide, I wave back, wondering what hidden beauty she must see beneath the crashing waves. She smiles, takes a deep breath as she stares at the moon and takes the plunge backs into the deep blue. She sees snails wrapped in curls and oysters wearing pearls. She glides past the lumbering whales and plays hide and seek with the clown fish in the coral. She catches a ride on dolphins back and takes a peek above the surface – I see her! Her hair is covered in white sea foam, and as she takes a last look at the world above hers, she throws me an amber streaked seashell so that I will always hear her song with me.
“A butterfly lights beside us like a sunbeam. And for a brief moment it's glory and beauty belong to our world, but then it flies on again. And though we wish it could have stayed, we feel so lucky to have seen it.” - author unknown
I met Jodene (also known as Jo and Dimple Boffin!) while I was in New York and we instantly discovered we shared an unsaid bond. Still today, even if we don’t see each other for ages, when we do, we pick up right where we left off. There are no judgments, only happiness and joy at being able to be in each others company. Jo exceeds her young, earthly age to such an extent, that I tend to see her in a light of far greater wisdom and maturity than my own. I have seen her spiritual and personal growth expand in these recent years and she surprises me continually with her views and words of knowledge and understanding. She has an ability to see every side of an argument and her compassion and patience with others is truly remarkable. I bask in her sunshine. I hope to continue to walk this path with her, and I know we will have buckets full of fun along the way! We tend to speak in our own language and I often wonder if people think we can even understand one another when we chatter. People have asked if we are sisters, to which Jo informs them “No, we are not sisters, but we are soul sisters.” Touché. Soul Sista’s indeed!
I saw a butterfly go fluttering by on wings of orange, and silvery blue, and yellow too. She floats in the air, making her home most anywhere: The rainforest, field, and prairie land, on mountaintops, and desert sand. I said, "I'd love to fly with you and sail around the way you do. To fly up toward the summer sun. To have but one moment of such an exquisite flight, would be like a dream where all seems so right. But, alas, I have not your graceful charm. I haven't got wings, just these two arms. I've been designed to walk around and my human feet must always touch the ground.” Then she spoke to me and told me what her wish would be. She said, "What I'd love most to do is walk upon this Earth with you, to squish it's mud between my toes or touch my finger to my nose.” I reached up to her and carried her, gently, in my hand. I placed her on the mud and slowly sank until she could feel the squish. I brought her back up and she kissed my nose, then lifted me on her wings so that I could flitter through the clouds and kiss the petals of the flowers. And so I continue to carry my butterfly, and she continues to take me to greater heights.
I have known Johan since 1999, back when he was still in the Belgian army as a young recruit. Since then, we have always remained in contact and he continues to enrich my life with his stories, life and interests. Johan is a Leo too! (people are going to start thinking this is a criteria for me!) But besides this great quality, he possesses an ability to get you totally wrapped up in his writings. His passion is film and I swear he will break Hollywood soon! He has such a deep understanding for the art of film making and he carries this through in his scripts. I saw his first film earlier this year and I loved it (even though it cut out before the end!) It was so original and I got the full lowdown from Johan too – the behind the scenes action. Besides our mutual love of movies and books, he got me interested in Greek and Roman and general history, because he shared so much of what he learnt and understood with me. He is such an interesting, sensitive and well rounded spirit and I can really write about anything to him, and he will always express his opinions and views very honestly and openly. He has so much to offer the world and I hope that the world is graced with all his energy, passion, and enthusiasm!
I am not certain of the exact moment when Lee-ann and I met, sometime in high school, we were mostly in the same class the whole way through. But with Lee-ann, we always managed to find ourselves getting into all sorts of mischief and trouble. How could I ever forget the drama and stories of Monty’s, Bucknalls and Wild Side! And energy surrounds her and is magnetic (and the fact that she is oblivious to this, makes her even more charming!). She draws people to her, and she has such a contagious laugh and sense of humour, you just laugh with her always. Lee-ann has gone through many battles in her short life, but she continues to succeed in everything she endeavors. Besides the fact that she is a Leo as well, she naturally processes a bright inner light that shines through her. We share a therapist/patient relationship and visa versa and are always advising and commenting on each other’s love lives! Our motto is “Whatever happens, happens for a reason.” I know her angels are guiding and protecting her always. She is an angel herself, she just doesn’t realise it yet!
“Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.” - Author unknown
Tash was my flat mate in London back in 2001 and I met her when she was 8 months pregnant and I was there when her stunning baby girl, Jade, was born. Tash is an extraordinary person, she has overcome such hardships and struggles, but she has always kept afloat, through it all. She has gotten her life on track and she amazes me with her enduring and deep love for Jade. I can always sit back and relax with Tash, she holds no pretenses and we are always up for a giggle and chat. She brings out only the best in me, she sees the good in everything and everyone. She will always fight for the rights of others (both people and animals) and she has recently undertaken a child psychology course with the open university. I think it is her mission to learn to help others help themselves. I have sent her my angels to look after and protect her and I hope to always be near to give her my hand.
An extract from “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying”
I walk down the streetThere is a deep hole in the sidewalk I fall in.I am lost. I am hopeless.It isn't my fault.It takes forever to find a way out.I walk down the same street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalkI pretend I don't see it.I fall in again.I can't believe I'm in the same place again.But it isn’t my fault.It still takes long time to get out.I walk down the same street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I see it is there.I still fall in? It's a habitMy eyes are openI know where I amIt is my fault.I get out immediately.I walk down the same street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalk I walk around it.I walk down another street.
I met Rene back in 2003, when I returned from New York, back to England. She was my uncle’s girlfriend’s daughter (but she is now my cousin-in-law!) and I got her number from her mom back in South Africa. We met up in Camden and went for a coffee that lasted 3 hours! We share many common interests and over the last two years, we have both been more open and inviting to new alternative ways of thinking and looking at life. Rene has gotten me hooked on Angel and Tarot cards (thank you my special Earth Angel!) and I every time I catch up with her, we get whisked away into our own world of esoteric discovery and wonder. I love the exchange of energy we have when we are together and I only wish everything of the pure and good upon her, because she deserves all that and so much more.
She drifts on the clouds as they float peacefully by. Like an angel out to play, she dances with fairies as they all roll and tumble around on puffs of cotton, making shapes and forms of earthly creatures and self portraits of themselves. She tip toes from one to another, like a game of hop scotch, and when she sneezes, she blesses the earth with vital showers of rain, life and love.
I her Bumblebee and she my Hunny Bunny. Rox sat behind me in our Std 6 class and actually was not very fond of me at first (cant blame her really, I was a bit of a snob and used to pass papers back to her in frustration esp if she took like more than 5 seconds to take it from me!! Shooo!) Anyway we have Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” book to thank for bringing us together (it’s a long story and I wont delve into it – but it involved our English teacher, Accounting teacher and our vivid adolescent imaginations! Enough said!). We were then separated for the next 4 years, and it was only really in our final Matric year that we became close again. I share a rich history with Rox and in the years that I have been overseas, our friendship has strengthen and evolved. It keeps evolving, but my love and affection for her never changes. Rox is very picky with her friends (aren’t I the lucky straw that was picked!) and I am grateful for every experience and moment I have been with her. There is never a dull moment when we are together – there is always raucous laughter bellowing out of us. Sometimes I don’t know why we laugh so much – maybe it is the invisible feathers that our merging energies tickle us with. Rox has obtained her degree in occupational therapy and it is with this and her natural gift for healing, that she touches the lives and souls of those lucky to be close enough to feel her warmth, love and compassion. She is always craving deeper knowledge and understanding of the human body and psyche, she is a Piscean mermaid and she sings songs for all to hear in her deep ocean soul.
She sits by the ocean sitting alone on a rock, combing her hair of gold. Watching the coming and going of tides, watching the gulls as they hover above, watching the yachts as they head to the shore. She waves at me standing on the edge of the tide, I wave back, wondering what hidden beauty she must see beneath the crashing waves. She smiles, takes a deep breath as she stares at the moon and takes the plunge backs into the deep blue. She sees snails wrapped in curls and oysters wearing pearls. She glides past the lumbering whales and plays hide and seek with the clown fish in the coral. She catches a ride on dolphins back and takes a peek above the surface – I see her! Her hair is covered in white sea foam, and as she takes a last look at the world above hers, she throws me an amber streaked seashell so that I will always hear her song with me.
Who’s Who in Orangeblossom’s Zoo (continued A-C)
Ads is my big brother and currently resides in Melbourne, Australia. He loves princesses! I am only one of many of his special princess’s in his global princess collection! I met Adam in London 2001 when we worked at Luscious Organic. We have shared many experiences in London, we spent a new years together in South Africa and went on a trip to Ireland last year. He has worked for the Red Cross and is now working for Health Purchasing in Melbourne, doing wonderful things. I am always comforted in Adams presence; he has a very approachable and soothing essence. He can get along with anyone – he continually amazes me with his innate ability to communicate to people on all levels. To find a common ground or interest. He makes connections and he is going and has been to amazing places in his life. Ads is so open and friendly, that just being around him is an adventure on its very own! His energy is contagious and I know that no matter where my life leads, our paths will always cross and be intertwined.
Adele and I worked together at Engen, when I went back home last year. Adele always went out of her way to make me feel comfortable and part of the project group we were in. We spent many tea breaks talking about life in London and all the things we used to get up to. I find it very easy to talk to Adele and she can relate to different types of people, by always considering their views, opinions and background. She is such a kind hearted and patient person and always has the best intentions at heart. I hope to see her soon so we can catch up on all the skinner!
“Skippy, Skippy, where for art thou Skippy?” Now that we are all grown up (are we?! Well when it suits us we are!), Charlene would rather us refer to her by her birth name and not the name we bestowed upon her in Std 6 – which all makes perfect sense and logic. But Charlene will always be our Skippy! Forever in our hearts! By “our” I mean me, Shevy, Rox, Lee, Simone and Christine – basically by all us Fairbairnians! I set my sights on Charlene in our Std 6 class and couldn’t for the life of me understand how a girl could be so darn loud – I figured she must have been born with a microphone imbedded in her throat, because you can not ignore her, even if you tried! Then Std 8 came, along with that eventful night at Monty’s. I wont divulge the finer details, but after that night, Charlene and I just became friends. Overnight! From then on… there would never be a dull moment in my high school life! Charlene possesses this fire inside of her that burns and it will enlighten and brighten your life when she blesses you with her friendship, affection, loyalty and care. Throughout matric, we (Shev, Me and Skips) became inseparable – the Three Musketeers taking on the world! I can only smile and laugh at all our crazy adventures and fun time spent together – it was bliss and heaven sent. Charlene has conquered America (au pairing, working, studying) and is happily married to Norm and has the most gorgeous baby, Joshua. I tease her about her ‘white picket fence’ life – but really I couldn’t be more ecstatic and happy for her, she has found her everything. She is living her dream, a dream come true. I adore Charlene, and everything she is and has grown up to be. She is an inspiration to me and those around her.
“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.”
I met Cherise when I worked at Engen (South Africa) last year and instantly liked her infectiously bubbly personality. Cherise is like a forgotten Elvish Queen, left behind to bless those around her with a sense of wonder and enlightenment about the beauty that is all around us. It’s difficult not to be drawn to Cherise (besides the fact that she is drop dead gorgeous!). It’s not just her fun and lively spirit that exudes from her, but she is so sincere and genuine and honest.
Her story begins in a far away glen, in a land long forgotten, lived a beautiful Elf, who held the wisdom of time. For many years, she lived in peace, until the ignorance of man came down into the glen. They no longer knew the mystical, and feared the unknown. The Elf, who saw not with her eyes, but with all her heart, to heal the world from the ignorance of man. So that she could once again, tread on water lilies in the stream and catch butterflies in her hands. She would return to her existence of eternal bliss and peace.
Christine is my Barrbi and I am her Notpoff! I have known Christine since high school, as we bonded over our mutual dislike for our hockey coach in Matric! Currently she is studying to become a fully fledged pilot – overtaking the skies with her charm and grace. Christine is such a special and pure soul. She is my breath of fresh air. She has so much love to offer and give, you can not help but feel her warmth when you are around her. Sweet as syrup is not a good enough metaphor for her, she goes beyond that to an extent that you can hardly believe that someone can be of such pure intention and thought. Christine is a swallow and if you have ever witnessed swallows displaying their daring formations – you will know how they dance in the clouds and glide with the wind in their full glory for all to see.
The lone swallow divides the air in shapes invisible and evanescent. Creating a kaleidoscopic beyond the mind’s or memory’s power to keep them there. She writes with invisible ink across the sky. Those lucky enough to view this display of seemingly reckless flight will gaze in envy – to roll and glide, to wheel and spin, to feel the joy that swells within. She sails over canyons and up to the stars, she reaches for the heavens and hopes for the future. She shouts to me “Come dance with me in the west wind, and touch the mountain tops.” But I cannot join her, but just watching her will give me enough happiness to last a lifetime.
Ads is my big brother and currently resides in Melbourne, Australia. He loves princesses! I am only one of many of his special princess’s in his global princess collection! I met Adam in London 2001 when we worked at Luscious Organic. We have shared many experiences in London, we spent a new years together in South Africa and went on a trip to Ireland last year. He has worked for the Red Cross and is now working for Health Purchasing in Melbourne, doing wonderful things. I am always comforted in Adams presence; he has a very approachable and soothing essence. He can get along with anyone – he continually amazes me with his innate ability to communicate to people on all levels. To find a common ground or interest. He makes connections and he is going and has been to amazing places in his life. Ads is so open and friendly, that just being around him is an adventure on its very own! His energy is contagious and I know that no matter where my life leads, our paths will always cross and be intertwined.
Adele and I worked together at Engen, when I went back home last year. Adele always went out of her way to make me feel comfortable and part of the project group we were in. We spent many tea breaks talking about life in London and all the things we used to get up to. I find it very easy to talk to Adele and she can relate to different types of people, by always considering their views, opinions and background. She is such a kind hearted and patient person and always has the best intentions at heart. I hope to see her soon so we can catch up on all the skinner!
“Skippy, Skippy, where for art thou Skippy?” Now that we are all grown up (are we?! Well when it suits us we are!), Charlene would rather us refer to her by her birth name and not the name we bestowed upon her in Std 6 – which all makes perfect sense and logic. But Charlene will always be our Skippy! Forever in our hearts! By “our” I mean me, Shevy, Rox, Lee, Simone and Christine – basically by all us Fairbairnians! I set my sights on Charlene in our Std 6 class and couldn’t for the life of me understand how a girl could be so darn loud – I figured she must have been born with a microphone imbedded in her throat, because you can not ignore her, even if you tried! Then Std 8 came, along with that eventful night at Monty’s. I wont divulge the finer details, but after that night, Charlene and I just became friends. Overnight! From then on… there would never be a dull moment in my high school life! Charlene possesses this fire inside of her that burns and it will enlighten and brighten your life when she blesses you with her friendship, affection, loyalty and care. Throughout matric, we (Shev, Me and Skips) became inseparable – the Three Musketeers taking on the world! I can only smile and laugh at all our crazy adventures and fun time spent together – it was bliss and heaven sent. Charlene has conquered America (au pairing, working, studying) and is happily married to Norm and has the most gorgeous baby, Joshua. I tease her about her ‘white picket fence’ life – but really I couldn’t be more ecstatic and happy for her, she has found her everything. She is living her dream, a dream come true. I adore Charlene, and everything she is and has grown up to be. She is an inspiration to me and those around her.
“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.”
I met Cherise when I worked at Engen (South Africa) last year and instantly liked her infectiously bubbly personality. Cherise is like a forgotten Elvish Queen, left behind to bless those around her with a sense of wonder and enlightenment about the beauty that is all around us. It’s difficult not to be drawn to Cherise (besides the fact that she is drop dead gorgeous!). It’s not just her fun and lively spirit that exudes from her, but she is so sincere and genuine and honest.
Her story begins in a far away glen, in a land long forgotten, lived a beautiful Elf, who held the wisdom of time. For many years, she lived in peace, until the ignorance of man came down into the glen. They no longer knew the mystical, and feared the unknown. The Elf, who saw not with her eyes, but with all her heart, to heal the world from the ignorance of man. So that she could once again, tread on water lilies in the stream and catch butterflies in her hands. She would return to her existence of eternal bliss and peace.
Christine is my Barrbi and I am her Notpoff! I have known Christine since high school, as we bonded over our mutual dislike for our hockey coach in Matric! Currently she is studying to become a fully fledged pilot – overtaking the skies with her charm and grace. Christine is such a special and pure soul. She is my breath of fresh air. She has so much love to offer and give, you can not help but feel her warmth when you are around her. Sweet as syrup is not a good enough metaphor for her, she goes beyond that to an extent that you can hardly believe that someone can be of such pure intention and thought. Christine is a swallow and if you have ever witnessed swallows displaying their daring formations – you will know how they dance in the clouds and glide with the wind in their full glory for all to see.
The lone swallow divides the air in shapes invisible and evanescent. Creating a kaleidoscopic beyond the mind’s or memory’s power to keep them there. She writes with invisible ink across the sky. Those lucky enough to view this display of seemingly reckless flight will gaze in envy – to roll and glide, to wheel and spin, to feel the joy that swells within. She sails over canyons and up to the stars, she reaches for the heavens and hopes for the future. She shouts to me “Come dance with me in the west wind, and touch the mountain tops.” But I cannot join her, but just watching her will give me enough happiness to last a lifetime.
Who’s Who in Orangeblossom’s Zoo (continued The Grandparents)

Grandpa and Granny Lappin (Archie and Kathleen)
My dad’s parents were born in Belfast, Ireland and eloped to South Africa. They couldn’t have been more Irish, even their accent didn’t waver through the years. My friends would often have to ask me to interpret what was being said to them! My granny passed away from ill health and my grandpa passed away soon after, he was battling lung cancer. I often think of them, and all the goodness and purity that surrounded them. My grandpa was so intelligent and worldly – he could tell you just about anything about everything. He was a man who knew a little about a lot of things. He was like a walking encyclopedia, a fountain of knowledge and wisdom. My granny was possibly the sweetest women ever, and she was so vibrant, doing yoga and tap dancing in her eighties! She was a diamond. I miss them greatly, but I carry their spirits with me, always.
“Always remember to forget
The things that made you sad.
But never forget to remember
The things that made you glad.
Always remember to forget
The friends that proved untrue.
But never forget to remember
Those that have stuck by you.
Always remember to forget
The troubles that passed away.
But never forget to rememberThe blessings that come each day.”
~ an Irish blessing
Grandad and Gran Lang (James and Yoland)
My mom’s parents grew up and lived mostly in Natal, South Africa. I remember when we used to take yearly trips up to Durban, we would visit Gran and Granddad Lang in Pietermaritzburg. They had a fabulous coffee shop that we used to practically spend all our time, tasting all the delights of their cooking and baking. Welsh Rarebits and Scones! When our boy cousins were up – we used to take over the place and Granddad use to pick us up by our ears, much to our glee and delight! My granddad passed away a few years ago, and it always saddens me that I never got to know him better. He always had a smile on his face and he was like this gentle giant that had a heart of gold. My Gran is the most wonderful and elegant women – she is a spirit of great faith. I can listen to her talk for ages about books, gardening, cooking, art, her travels and her life experiences. She is very “old school” and I love that she still holds true to all her ideals and beliefs, through all the passing years. Even though she is going through a difficult time right now, I hope she knows that I send my love to her always.
My mom’s parents grew up and lived mostly in Natal, South Africa. I remember when we used to take yearly trips up to Durban, we would visit Gran and Granddad Lang in Pietermaritzburg. They had a fabulous coffee shop that we used to practically spend all our time, tasting all the delights of their cooking and baking. Welsh Rarebits and Scones! When our boy cousins were up – we used to take over the place and Granddad use to pick us up by our ears, much to our glee and delight! My granddad passed away a few years ago, and it always saddens me that I never got to know him better. He always had a smile on his face and he was like this gentle giant that had a heart of gold. My Gran is the most wonderful and elegant women – she is a spirit of great faith. I can listen to her talk for ages about books, gardening, cooking, art, her travels and her life experiences. She is very “old school” and I love that she still holds true to all her ideals and beliefs, through all the passing years. Even though she is going through a difficult time right now, I hope she knows that I send my love to her always.
Who’s Who in Orangeblossom’s Zoo
I have decided to write a brief description of all (or most) of my beautiful and special friends and family, all around the globe. I have tried to gather images to put a face to a name (as you probably have heard of each other but don’t know how they quite fit into my life, who they are, and why they mean so much to me).
I’ll start with my immediate family, then my friends (in alphabetical order so as not to reflect favoritism!! You are ALL my favorites!!). There are only positive words here, because I am not always readily able to easily express my feelings and emotions towards each one of you, please know that I hold you only of the purest light in my heart.
I’ll start with my immediate family, then my friends (in alphabetical order so as not to reflect favoritism!! You are ALL my favorites!!). There are only positive words here, because I am not always readily able to easily express my feelings and emotions towards each one of you, please know that I hold you only of the purest light in my heart.
"One's Sister is a part of one's essential self, an eternal presence of one's heart and soul and memory." - Susan Cabill
I struggle to find the right words that will fully express or justify the deep love and respect I have for Shireen. But basically she is the guiding star in my ocean and shores of my dreams and life…
My sister is my heart. She opens doors to rooms I never knew were there and she lights my darkest corners with the sparkle in her eyes. My sister is my soul. She inspires my wearied spirit to fly on wings of angels. But while I hold her hand, my feet never leave the ground. She stills my deepest fears with the wisdom of her inner song. My sister is my past. She writes my history in her eyes I recognize myself, memories only we can share. She remembers and she forgives. She accepts me as I am with tender understanding. My sister is my future. She lives within my dreams, she sees my undiscovered secrets, believes in me as I stumble. She walks in step beside me, her unconditional love lighting my way. My sister is my strength. She hears the whispered prayers that I cannot speak. She helps me find my smile and freely giving hers away.
"One's Sister is a part of one's essential self, an eternal presence of one's heart and soul and memory." - Susan Cabill
I struggle to find the right words that will fully express or justify the deep love and respect I have for Shireen. But basically she is the guiding star in my ocean and shores of my dreams and life…
My sister is my heart. She opens doors to rooms I never knew were there and she lights my darkest corners with the sparkle in her eyes. My sister is my soul. She inspires my wearied spirit to fly on wings of angels. But while I hold her hand, my feet never leave the ground. She stills my deepest fears with the wisdom of her inner song. My sister is my past. She writes my history in her eyes I recognize myself, memories only we can share. She remembers and she forgives. She accepts me as I am with tender understanding. My sister is my future. She lives within my dreams, she sees my undiscovered secrets, believes in me as I stumble. She walks in step beside me, her unconditional love lighting my way. My sister is my strength. She hears the whispered prayers that I cannot speak. She helps me find my smile and freely giving hers away.
My sister is like no one else. She's my most treasured friend, filling up the empty spaces and healing my broken places and spaces. She is my rock, my inspiration.
Though impossible to define, in a word, she one and only sister.
Mom (Shirley)
“My mother's love for me was so great I have worked hard to justify it.” - Marc Chagall
I have always seen my mom as this tower of pillaring strength. Shielding all of the world’s ugliness from my sister and I. Always teaching us to fight our own battles, but still consider and respect other people’s feelings. I am safe in the knowledge that my high morals and values about myself and life are contributed to the upbringing I was so luckily blessed with. And for having a mother that gave (and continuously gives) so much of herself, so much of her truth and patience to me – never asking for or expecting anything in return. Her beacon of light and love stands on an island of peace. It shelters the rain, wind and tides. It is bound on the north by Hope, by Patience on the West, by Counsel on the South and on the East by Rest.
To be a mother is the hardest job in the world and I am thankful for everything my mom has given me. Her shoulders are heavy from carrying all our burdens and hers, but she wears a halo of kindness, wisdom and caring. Instead of verbal praises of pride and love, she shows these in the sparkle of her eyes and in the depths of her heart. Sometimes the simplest words hold the greatest meaning, so I always wish my mom to know this “how much I admire much I appreciate much I thank you…how much I love you.”
Dad (Desmond)
“He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” - Clarence Budington Kelland
I call him The Traveling Irishman because he encompasses all the positive attributes of the Irish (laidback, generous, straightforward, and hospitable) and the traveler (independent, brave and curious). He is living in the present, but is always seeking to the future. He has lived a life so rich in adventure that he entertains those around him with countless stories of his journeys and experiences, back in his youth and still now in his older years. I never get bored of listening to my dad talk about his life and views, his questions of life and people. He has given me the courage to explore, to do things on my own, to venture into unknown lands – to live my life the way I want to, the way I need to. Teaching me to appreciate and respect the nature around us. I will always remember (when we used to go away for weekends and holidays) how he used to proclaim to us girls “Look at the mountains! Look at the sky! Look at the waterfalls! Breathe in the fresh air!” Now whenever I travel and see such magnificent earthly creations, I think of him and how he would be in his total element surrounded by the beauty of nature.
I envision him always searching for a place that he can call home, he will find this place soon, he dreams about it. Perhaps it is a place where he walks alone along the coast, smells the clean salty air, gazes at the moonlight. Always in awe. And as the wind whispers in his ear, he hears the voices of his angels bringing him peace on their wings of love. His soul is set aflame with dreams, and his eyes glow bright, and he shall sing a song and carry on striding into the night. Living the dream.
“He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” - Clarence Budington Kelland
I call him The Traveling Irishman because he encompasses all the positive attributes of the Irish (laidback, generous, straightforward, and hospitable) and the traveler (independent, brave and curious). He is living in the present, but is always seeking to the future. He has lived a life so rich in adventure that he entertains those around him with countless stories of his journeys and experiences, back in his youth and still now in his older years. I never get bored of listening to my dad talk about his life and views, his questions of life and people. He has given me the courage to explore, to do things on my own, to venture into unknown lands – to live my life the way I want to, the way I need to. Teaching me to appreciate and respect the nature around us. I will always remember (when we used to go away for weekends and holidays) how he used to proclaim to us girls “Look at the mountains! Look at the sky! Look at the waterfalls! Breathe in the fresh air!” Now whenever I travel and see such magnificent earthly creations, I think of him and how he would be in his total element surrounded by the beauty of nature.
I envision him always searching for a place that he can call home, he will find this place soon, he dreams about it. Perhaps it is a place where he walks alone along the coast, smells the clean salty air, gazes at the moonlight. Always in awe. And as the wind whispers in his ear, he hears the voices of his angels bringing him peace on their wings of love. His soul is set aflame with dreams, and his eyes glow bright, and he shall sing a song and carry on striding into the night. Living the dream.
Baba Will
“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.”
“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.”
His name, William, means “Valiant protector” and he is the most precious being I have ever encountered. Although I am not with him in body, I send him my spirit so that he will not forget me! I can’t wait to watch him grow up and develop. He is the splitting of his dad, Jason, and with his image he brings out only the best qualities from each of his parents. He is surrounded by Shireen’s calm and collected aura of love, by her emotional and intellectual intelligence, by her shining presence. Jas gives Will a total freedom of expression, injecting him with his own unbounded energy and compassion, always striving to be the best person he can be. Because Shireen and Jason are the best parents that any child could ever ask or want for. They inspire me with their selflessness, love and total devotion to Will and to each other.
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