I stumbled upon this linked website called www.thegreatillusion.com while I was browsing the latest news on David Icke’s website www.davidicke.com
For those who are not yet aware of David Icke, well he is a world famous (or infamous to most!) conspiracy theorist, but he is also a new age philosopher of sorts, and brings to light some profound and inspiring ways to liberate our own spirits and energies for a greater good. The media portray him mostly as a lot of a nutcase, but the fundamental vision that he has is so honest, he is just a truth seeker. And as Albert Einstein once said “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
"Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut, that held its ground." – David Icke
"A gift of truth is the gift of love" – David Icke
"Don't let them tell you what to think, no matter how "different" your own views may be in relation to the official line. If you are not different in this world of stunning uniformity what on earth are you doing? Baaaaaaa." – David Icke
"Today, the stranglehold of the controlling negative forces upon Earth is extremely advanced and is choking the very life from our planet. The effects of this are evident everywhere in the form of fear, separation, war, disease and multifarious kinds of disharmony on all levels." – David Icke
"Infinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion." – David Icke
"You cannot fight for peace. We need to peace for peace." - David Icke
Anyway, The Great Illusion is an interactive journey, written by Victor Khan with illustrations by Jim Warren www.jimwarren.com Each passage is written with such insight and each image is so beautifully related.
I have collated a few of Jim Warren’s stunning artwork above. I have also extracted a few passages from The Great Illusion journey.
The Great Illusion
Close your eyes and go inside, breathe the air and clear your mind. Changing colors lead the way, not a thought to slip away. Search the darkness for a light, see the sunshine in the night. Inside-out is on display, a paradox that hides the way. A twist-of-fate is there to find ~ create the peace found all inside.Get beyond your point-of-view, those limitations hinder you. Anything can be achieved, the mystery behind the scenes. Déjà vu of long gone times, past ignorance that closed the mind. The secret path is locked within, it's opposite to where you've been. Contemplate what life can be, the rhetorical question of reality. Dreams appear that do come true, your love will bring them all to you. Manifest and do pursue, it attracts the higher side of you. Karma that is never known, the oxymoron twilight zone. A parallel of life in rhyme, the great illusion of all time. Behold the threefold flower ~ the eye, the heart, the hand...revealed is all the wisdom that the mind can understand. BELIEVE, ACHIEVE and RECEIVE!
Starting Points
The world as we view it, is much like a dance, you can take what is coming and live it by chance...Or seek answers to questions and live it by choice, just follow your heart and answer its voice. Chance brings that karmic phenomenon,manifested reactions from what you have done.Look for a place that’s hidden within, search for the message, that’s where to begin. Talk to yourself, have conversation inside,it’s a matter of choice, create from the mind. Picture yourself in a world all your own,then bring it to life from the seed to the sown. Search & discover the source of white light,don’t settle for anything, reach for the heights. Your goals are the answer to what you achieve, and it’s almost like magic when you start to believe. Truth & intuition ...bring gifts to rejoice, go it by chance or live it by choice!
The Art of Looking
Look clearly at life and not just your own, how much is reality, and how much is unknown. It's not measured in beauty, possessions or wealth,but measured in consciousness and judged by yourself. Do you wonder if this is your chance,to examine the future and all that might last?Material things just gather the dust,whereas thought becomes life force and this is the thrust. A look in the mirror at the start of each day, a vision of emptiness ...but a nice résumé. It's all in the cards ~ but its not yet a deck.sit back and slow down, take the time to reflect. Look clearly at life and into your own, understanding the choices that cannot be postponed.
When you think of your past and remember that day, just think of the choices that sent you this way. Try to comprehend how the pieces fit in, realizing the enigma as the shadows wear thin. Timing is everything to see the next step, a wrong choice or decision is a long non-stop trip. If we could see answers to all life's little ways, it wouldn't be so hard to see through the haze. Seeing is learning and that is the test, if you made the right choices at the start of this quest.Live in the real world, a life and a goal, good friends and true meaning ~ let love feed your soul. So be careful of false signs, of tricks and of strife, you'll remember those choices when you look back at your life. The right things in life are here by your choice, you made this yourself, now sit back and rejoice.
The Tiger Within
Have you begun to question the rules of this game, reflect on your actions and take some of the blame. For all that just happens there must be a cause, to find it ...the answer, sit back and just pause. Feel what you’re thinking ~ investigate all. Think what you’re feeling ~ grow to stand tall. Look at yourself then ponder the facts, it’s a positive attitude that makes you attract. All is in harmony ...it’s a quieting sound, the secret of life is very profound. The reason is curious, as above so below,and knowledge is hidden at the end of rainbows. Calming your mind and the tiger within, all is not viewed by the color of skin. Outward appearance is not genuine, it's not what you look like ~ but from where it begins. Thoughts are like mirrors ~ just slightly bizarre, and it all comes from wishing each night on a star.
I seriously recommend that you go on this journey, the graphics and messages are both breathtaking and freeing.
Peace, Love and Believing
Orangeblossom xxx