Friday, September 22, 2006

The Earthdance Experience

As I mentioned in my previous post (I think!) I went to the Cape Town Earthdance last weekend with a bunch of my friendies. We set up our own little tent boudior and actually spent most of our time hanging out and being crazy and chillaxing and all that. We did mission to the dance floor (when it was finally put up at like 10pm!) and stayed there for a good few hours and stomped our little feet to the beats and sounds of some pumping psy trance tunes.

The weather was rather chilly and wet to say the least, but that did not dampen our spirits, we all got rather cosy and snuggled in the boudior.

So I have attached some pics of the weekend that was Earthdance, not many of Sunday though as most of us were in 'recovery' mode!

In the Daytime when the weather was fine(ish) :

And when the sun goes away, in the night time we play: