Monday, June 25, 2007

On Giving

Last week had a very strange mood about it, perhaps it was the new moon lunar energy or the solstice, but I think a more likely conclusion would point to me. Perhaps my chakras are out of balance and I need to meditate, cleanse and do a bit more self reflection on myself, those around me and my current life.

Anyway all this rambling does and will lead to a point. I had been wanting to write on my blog all of last week, but couldn’t (or wouldn’t perhaps) find the inspiration on what to write. I want my blog to reflect my best intensions and thoughts, so that it serves as something to strive and push towards. To become a better person to myself and to those around me. It’s a long journey.

So while I was self consuming last week, I guess my mood started to lift on Friday and then when Cherise sent me this picture this morning I just looked at it and the message I saw behind it. A message of giving. And giving in all its many forms, from a simple gesture to an elaborate declaration. How brave those are who dare to take a leap, weather for their faith, friendships, studies, career or love.

Where there is giving, there is bound to be taking. They go hand in hand and too frequently do we forget that they are actually mutual actions that need to be circulated in order for the flow to remain in a constant state on equilibrium. And it’s so much easier to take and I often have to consciously remind myself to keep that flow going. And as much as one gives, the more will be returned, its simply karma.

And with life happening all around us, we get caught up in our own whirlwinds so its hard to focus and put forth energy and love to others, especially if we don’t feel we are or will get any in return. Or I find that too often my own inability to clear my own thoughts then manifests into negative energy with my relations with others, which just frustrates me even more, because its unintended. Many times I think that the negativity I feel towards others (often those clostest to me) is just a reflection of the negativity that I see mirroring itself in me. So perhaps if we spend some time on not just giving to others, but also giving and expressing our own thoughts and dreams to ourselves, we will enrich our own souls which will ripple happy and loving energy to those around us.

When it comes to giving and receiving (in every sense of our mind, body and spirit), I hope that I can aim to give more of myself to others so that I may be blessed enough to receive whatever they are able to give of themselves to me. Because although it may seem greedy, but I couldn’t think of anything more precious than being able to be completely open with even just one other person, being brave enough to expose your own inner soul and in return by giving yourself, you allow them to give a part or a whole of themselves to you. I think there is a lot of healing to be found in the sharing of giving, its liberating and freeing.

And as Jo and I always say: “Sharing is Caring”!

I am probably making no sense, so when in doubt I always turn to those little gems of quotations that I stack up along with way. They seem to express things so simply, so purely, and so…perfectly.

“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.” – James M. Barrie

“Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Norman Macewan

“Three keys to more abundant living: caring about others, daring for others, sharing with others.” – William A. Ward

“If nature has made you a giver, your hands are born open, and so is your heart. And though there may be times when your hands are empty, your heart is always full, and you can give things out of that.” - Frances Hodgson Burnett

“There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life - happiness, freedom and peace of mind - are always attained by giving them to someone else.” - Peyton Conway March

Love, Light and Happiness

Friday, June 08, 2007

The Much Belated Update

Greetings from the elusive and slumbering Orangeblossom! Yes for too long I have neglected my blog, I could list some valid enough reasons, but its still poor show really. I guess I can mostly blame it on my lack of creativity of late – or at least feeling very creatively unproductive or uninspired. But I will be making a more consertive effort to keep on updating on a much more regular basis (heard and said that one way too many times, I know, but have faith please!) I don’t even know who will pop their heads into my Orangeblossom world, but feel free to anytime, and if not no worries, my blog is also a form of inner expression of reflection, contemplation, observation etc etc my own online portal of visual thoughts and feelings. I do love writing and perhaps I tend to babble or rabble, but I find it soothing and theraputic to my cluttered mind and spirit. And also I go through stages where I roam alone in my world esp during times of confusion, stress, longing, self awareness...I go to my forest of safety and hang out there till I have made my clearing or set up a new hedge or lay a new path for myself and sometimes for others. My own processing theory!

So quite a lot has happened since my last posting since January….oh I changed my course from Emergency and Disaster Management to Global Security. It incorporates more politics and international relations as well as human security issues and terrorism and all that. Very exciting subjects to be studying. I am loving it.

In January I also went to Amsterdam (with Jo, Jus and Tyran) which was a hazey blast – you can check out my Facebook for the pics of our escapades. I love the one of Jo and the “Lost in Amsterdam” sign behind her – it says it all! I do love Amsterdam, even riding the funky old school bicycles around and there are so many coffeeshops and coffeeshops that it would be quite an awesome place to live for a while – I fear I will get truly “lost” ;)

Anyway….oh yes went on a very spontaneous last minute getaway to Spain before I left with Pete and that was great. The weather was warm and sunny and we went to Valencia, Tarragona and Barcelona, so many places to see in Spain. It was so good to just get away from everything and also clear my head before starting examinations. Sun, sea and sand certainly did the trick. Still need to upload those pics on my Facebook, soon soon that will be.

Exams….phew after seven years of not studying it was quite a battle to get motivated and do get down and actually do some constructive studying. But I think overall it went off well, only the results will truly tell….eeek! But I am so looking forward to second year, although I do find myself being quite drained because of the subject matter which can cause me quite depression and anxiety, but I am faithful that I have made the right decision for me.

Now I am spending the summer holidays back home in Cape Town. Ill be working at the petroleum company again, but focussing more on the community development and project work which suits me just grandly. Am involved in quite a diverse and encouraging youth programme in one of the poorer parts of the city (I will do a posting of that once I have it all up and running). I also have a new baby nephew, Jed, and he is just such a cutie. And William is just growing up to be such a little boy – he is such a cheeky muffin. I also get to spend more time with my treasured friends and basically just chill out a bit and be surrounded by home before returning to the UK in September – which I am excited for as well, for numerous reasons.

But that is just an overview of the latest happenings – will be posting some more random things. I am wanting to get back in touch with my spirit and soul and just reconnect and develop my own truths and values.

Love, light and eternal happiness
C xxx