Tyran is my inspiration for this posting, for somehow he gets me to delve deeper into my own philosophies about life. Like the timeless question begs “Why are we here?” “What is our purpose?”. Who knows really, I just think that instead of trying to live up to a lifestyle we have been sold, we should live LIFE in all its essence. And in this materialistic world, it is difficult to find life’s simple pleasures. But they are all around us, in the air we breathe, the raindrops that glisten on the grass, the sun that warms our core, and most apparent it can always be found in the people we hold closest to our hearts. The small, everyday moments that we take for granted. The best things in life, are indeed, in every sense of the words…free and freeing.
I have chosen those that I felt compelled and drawn to. Ones which resonate within me, at this specific moment in time. I have added underneath each picture and quote, and also my own interpretation of what each means to me.

"Have the courage to follow your convictions."
Assurance that no matter what others may think or say, you still manage to find that courage within you to do what you feel is right for you. These days, encouragement is not freely given, there are so many external pressure surrounding us, and we are expected to deal with so many emotions on our own, we forget that we hold the power to give assurance, to and for ourselves.
"It is in the ability to open our eyes and mind where limitless wonders are discovered."
It is attitude, not aptitude that ultimately defines our characters. A good attitude is about being able to see things, and indeed people, from all angles. To respect and consider those around us in whatever we do. Having a good attitude towards ourselves, to stay positive and believe in our own convictions and values.
“I am one with my body. I am one with my mind. I am one with my soul.”
To achieve a sense of balance in today’s world is a struggle on its very own. I think we all have our own balances, our own needs. To strive for balance is a delicate task, but as long as we are conscious of the need for our own balance, then the battle is half won.
"Push yourself to the limits and experience wonders you never imagined."
So often the easiest route turns out to be the route so often traveled. Those that choose to take the road less traveled, are more fulfilled because they can appreciate and recognise what the challenge brings them. When reaching the summit of the mountain, you look out beyond the horizon and know that the limits you pushed yourself to, were worth it in the end, and you would do it all over again. Commitment
"The strongest force in the world is the genuine and everlasting act of commitment. Commit yourself to find the source of your spirit."
Commitment brings such connotations of rigidness and confinement. But true commitment (whether it be commitment to a specific cause, to your work, to your studies, to another person) will never feel like a burden when it come from within you, from your own truth, always pushing you to be the best person you can be. Communicate
“Build bridges, not walls.”
Communication is said to be the key to any successful venture or relationship. How true you realise this when it is not present. So often miscommunication leads to unnecessary or unintentional emotional harm. To be able to communicate effectively to others, I think one needs to be able to communicate with themselves first. To be able to know yourself and know your own truth, so that whenever you communicate, it will always be open, honest and sincere. Courage
“Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.”
The word freedom sends me images of William Wallace (in Braveheart) and how he had the courage to fight for not only his own freedom, but the freedom of his countrymen. Courage to express and defend your beliefs, views and opinions despite what backlash you may receive from strangers, but from those closest to you too. For when you have that kind of courage, you are indeed free.
"It is the effort of many that create the ripples that can move mountains."
To have dedication to be able to envision the valley in spite of the mountains blocking your path. And dedication to work towards that vision, you will inspire others to see the valley too.
“There is in this world no greater force than the force of a man determined to rise.”
Determination of the human spirit is unparallel. When you see people stuck by disaster (be it natural or technological), and how they rise above the rubble to start over again. One can only hope that if that happened to us, we would be able to act with such bravery and hope. For what the mind and spirit can conceive and believe, it can and will achieve, through sheer determination for survival.
"Wisdom comes to the inquisitive mind."
I often tell people that they should travel, because they will encounter so much beauty, culture and people. Curiosity of the unknown should be embraced and discovered for your self. Your own wisdom is gained through everything and everyone you discover and rediscover.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
If only we could imagine like when we were children. Children’s imaginations are so pure and colourful, and perhaps even enviable to us ‘adults’. We so often hold back our imaginations, for fear of failure or ridicule. But without imagination, we would not have dreams, and without dreams, we would cease to live a life full of rich rainbows.
“Fate loves the fearless.”
Sometimes I think that when we jump in and take a risk, that is when we are offered and given the most. Whether your risk brings you what you wanted in the first place, it pushes you to your limits. A risk is only a risk, if you have hold it against what or who you may lose from it. But it is only for yourself that you take the leaps of faith, for that faith will always lead you back or towards your own fate. Beauty
“Appreciate Simplicity.”
I try to find both the conventional and unconventional beauty in nature in people. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder and should not be judged or scrutinized. We are blessed with such immense beauty all around us, one just needs to really open their eyes to greet the flood of beauty that exists everywhere and in everyone.
"Where there is an open window there exists limitless opportunity."
There is so much opportunity for us to grab, but too often we just stare at the wall instead of opening the door. The limitless opportunity that is awaiting and is there for the taking, its whether we decide to take the chance to find out where it will eventually lead us, that perhaps hold us back.
"You will never know what you can achieve unless you try."
Every one has a purpose in their lifetime. Whether it is a purpose to the greater good, to their job, to their family or to themselves. We each have a role to play in this existence and it is not up to us to judge or question one another’s motive or intentions to this purpose. Sometimes our purpose lays dormant and only discovered later on in life. Or we have an idea of what our purpose may be, but do not know how to act upon it. It is the knowledge or consciousness of this purpose that will ultimately push us to try and fulfill it. And there is never any harm in trying, only failing to try.
"There is always a time and a place for peaceful reflections and kind acts."
In my random moments of quiet solitude and reflection, I feel that what we really need and desire in our lives are simple and so attainable. Peace. Love. Happiness. Peace will lead to love and love will lead to happiness.