Once upon a time across the land of the shire country, lived three hobbits; Orangeblossom Brandybuck of Buckland, Dimple Boffin of Whitfurrows and Lobelia Grubb of Everywhere.
One day there were all sent alone onto the Great Road that led them to the New Yorkshire Forest where they spent 6 months working with other fellow hobbits. It was there where they met each other for the first time. It has been a few years since those days of shared, but the three hobbits have drifted in and out of each others merry lives, always carrying with them the fondest memories of each other.
Of late, the three hobbits have found themselves together in the Old Forest and their friendship and connection just keeps getting stronger. Over rivers, meadows, mountains and fields, they find each other and spend many lazy and exciting days together, basking in the bubble that surrounds them in their ventures. They share so much fun and laughter as they play, and also wonder together about the world to which they belong.
And now Lobelia Grubb of Everywhere is going to settle in the Cornshire with another lovely hobbit called Mungo of the Warwickshire and live happily ever after. Because Lobelia is such a beloved hobbit, some other hobbits may be reluctant to let her go, and maybe cast some shadows of doubt over her new green and happy fields.
And if these other hobbits cast gloomy clouds upon the horizon, willing the rain to pour down, her hobbit sisters will be her sunshine and keep the grumpy clouds at bay.
Her fellow hobbit princesses also want her to remember that they will be her beacons of light and pillars of strength in all times. Not just sad, but happy and merry too. They rejoice in her bliss and hold hands as they dance and jump barefoot in circles of love, friendship and soul sisterhood.
As Bramblerose Cotton of Overhill truly reflected about hobbit sisters:
“She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your sister."
How blessed Orangeblossom feels to have such beautiful and inspirational soul sisters!
Love and Soul Sisterhood
Orangeblossom xxx