My thoughts and feelings. My loves and inspirations. My philosophies and discoveries. My life. Me.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Who is Orangeblossom?!
Ok so introductions have been made – but you probably still wondering who the heck Orangeblossom is?
Well to get formalities out of the way, my birth name is Catherine and I was born on the 30th July 1982 (making me born under the greatest Sun sign Leo!) to Shirley (child of James and Yoland) and Desmond (child of Archie and Kathleen). I also have an older sister, Shireen. And the most recent addition to my family is little William Bruce – who is THE most beautiful baby ever born. And I am not just saying that because I am such a proud aunt – its true – he has the face of a wise old soul, his ocean blue eyes just gaze and stare right inside of your own.
I was born, bred and education in Cape Town, South Africa and I have been traveling since I finished high school. Although the bug first bit when Shireen and I went to Australia in 1997 – that was the beginning of my itchy feet. Although I am sure I have inherited them from my dad, whom I fondly think of as a wandering shepherd, always seeking the greener pastures in new lands.
After high school, my soul mate best friend, Shevy and I conquered Western Europe (ok maybe I am exaggerating ever so slightly!) on a 35 day Contiki camping tour, having the time of our lives. We truly did appreciate all the sights and cultures – we had to buy another bag to fit all our appreciation in! Then we settled in Londontown for a year and a half, doing the whole London rat race thing – we had loads of fun and fully embraced our new found independence. I then went to New York on a 6 month programme and lived, worked and socialized with 16 other girls – drama is not the word for what happened on a daily basis! But lifelong friendships were fused there (my Dimple Boffin and Lobelia!) and I will never forget and will cherish always. Then back to England, worked for 2 years, went to Egypt, Scotland, Ireland and also on an 8 week trip to South America (through Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil) and also met a bunch of awesome gals. Recently went back home for 6 months and was there to welcome little William into this world. Now I find myself back in the Shire country, hoping to be accepted into university, and also squeeze in as much travel as possible, of course.
So that is the just of Orangeblossom’s history so far…
I will now continue to elaborate a little on my interests (what gets me going!) and they are very varied/weird/interesting/whatever! Here are a few…
Traveling (but that is a given – see above!) I have many more places on my “To See List” like Czech Republic and Hungary (going in August!), Russia, Thailand, China, Tibet, Laos, Vietnam, Alaska or Greenland, Peru and the Caribbean – to name just a few. A great website to check out is or
Ancient History - Roman/Greek/Egyptian are among my favorite ancient civilizations to read up on. Especially Egypt – I really believe I was like an Egyptian Queen there…perhaps Cleopatra!
Psychology – well when two of my close friends study that, it’s hard not to get hooked on the subject. It’s so intricate, the human mind. I love to “people watch” like sitting outside a cafĂ© and just looking at how people are, how they exist, how the interact with strangers, partners, friends. As much as I am fascinated by all of it, I tend to not go too deep into it, try not to over-analyse it all. Else you lose sight of other things around you, you get lost within all the thinking. You end up both unconsciously and consciously re evaluating every aspect of your life and the life of those around you. It’s all about Balance.
Alternative and Complimentary Therapies – like reiki, homeopathy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, yoga, reflexology, crystal therapy and meditation. All these (and there are many more) are so beneficial to our mental, physical and spiritual health and progression. I try to gain a bit of insight into each other these, in time. I think we should all pamper ourselves at least once a month to a treatment. So often we neglect our bodies, and don’t look after them as they should be. Therapies are becoming more available and are affordable – I wish I could just live in a spa retreat forever!
Alternative or New Age thinking – in recent years I am become more attuned to the spirituality that surround us. My sister (thank you Reenie!) first introduced me to concepts such as chakras, reiki, positive energy, angels and auras. It’s taken me a while to accept it all, but lately it’s all become so clear and I find myself consciously aware of it. Ill be posting more on this subject on my blogs esp. now that I have become a trance party addict (thanks to Jodene’s magical influence!!) and it’s a great was to surround yourself with likeminded people and positive light and energy.
Ok phew…I think that is enough for today, I have already devoted my entire work day to my blog (not that I am complaining because if I could, I would blog for a living!!) and I must meet Jodene at the train station!
Safe travels xxx
Orangeblossom has arrived!!

A grand moment – my first blog and my first posting! How exciting!
What should I write, I suppose the sensible thing to do would to do a draft first, but no I will just let the words flow from my minds random thinking and expression.
Well I am hoping that I will be able to update and keep this blog fresh with my current happenings – and I will appreciate and thoroughly enjoy your responses or comments about anything you wish to share.
Lobelia has been my inspiration to create this blog – after reading hers I was just amazed by her creativity and insight and beautiful writings. I will in no way even try to compete with yours my darling fairy friend! (I will post a link to her blog for your viewing pleasure – hope you don’t mind Lobelia?!!)
So I had the inspiration…all I needed was the motivation. Like most things in my life – it just popped into my head to just do it. Today. I have been collecting quotes, poems, readings etc for a few years now (mostly for my own use) and I really want to be able to share it in a way that will allow any of my friends (or lovely strangers!) to take a peek anytime and anywhere they may be.
The joy of having friends and family all around the world is such a gift, but also it sucks because you cant just go around for a cup of tea and chinwag whenever you feel like it. And the time zones don’t help either. And also I forget that they all actually have real lives and cant just be available at the snap of my fingers.
So this blog will serve as a gateway of sorts to my mind, life, experiences, happenings, events, interests, links, and pretty much whatever is my current flavour of the month in all things philosophical, spiritual, academic, world news, interesting facts and figures bla bla bla.
Again…that is the plan!
I will leave on a positive note and with a little saying to end of my first ever blog posting! After that I am putting on my “Work In Progress” hard hat and will attempt to try and organize my thoughts and ideas in a semi logical and understandable order. As they say in well all over…”Watch this Space” !!
"As the traveler who has once been from home is wiser than he who has never left his own doorstep, so a knowledge of one other culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate more lovingly, our own." - Margaret Mead
Safe Travels and Keep Smiling
Orangeblossom & Catherine & Cath & Cat & Catey Cate & Kitty Cat & Bumblebee & Little One & Frodo & Caterina xxx
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