A grand moment – my first blog and my first posting! How exciting!
What should I write, I suppose the sensible thing to do would to do a draft first, but no I will just let the words flow from my minds random thinking and expression.
Well I am hoping that I will be able to update and keep this blog fresh with my current happenings – and I will appreciate and thoroughly enjoy your responses or comments about anything you wish to share.
Lobelia has been my inspiration to create this blog – after reading hers I was just amazed by her creativity and insight and beautiful writings. I will in no way even try to compete with yours my darling fairy friend! (I will post a link to her blog for your viewing pleasure – hope you don’t mind Lobelia?!!)
So I had the inspiration…all I needed was the motivation. Like most things in my life – it just popped into my head to just do it. Today. I have been collecting quotes, poems, readings etc for a few years now (mostly for my own use) and I really want to be able to share it in a way that will allow any of my friends (or lovely strangers!) to take a peek anytime and anywhere they may be.
The joy of having friends and family all around the world is such a gift, but also it sucks because you cant just go around for a cup of tea and chinwag whenever you feel like it. And the time zones don’t help either. And also I forget that they all actually have real lives and cant just be available at the snap of my fingers.
So this blog will serve as a gateway of sorts to my mind, life, experiences, happenings, events, interests, links, and pretty much whatever is my current flavour of the month in all things philosophical, spiritual, academic, world news, interesting facts and figures bla bla bla.
Again…that is the plan!
I will leave on a positive note and with a little saying to end of my first ever blog posting! After that I am putting on my “Work In Progress” hard hat and will attempt to try and organize my thoughts and ideas in a semi logical and understandable order. As they say in well all over…”Watch this Space” !!
"As the traveler who has once been from home is wiser than he who has never left his own doorstep, so a knowledge of one other culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate more lovingly, our own." - Margaret Mead
Safe Travels and Keep Smiling
Orangeblossom & Catherine & Cath & Cat & Catey Cate & Kitty Cat & Bumblebee & Little One & Frodo & Caterina xxx
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