Sharon is The Wandering Fairy (also known as Lobelia!). We lived and played together in New York. Sharon has always intrigued me – her placid and earthly nature is so inviting and she remains so open and non-judgmental and above all…free. We have only recently refused our energies and its been so wonderful to share my life and thoughts with her again. She is definitely an earth fairy – she does exalt!
In the garden, among the flowers, the Wandering Fairies is shining brightly. Playing along the breeze in the sunshine, dancing with stars above them nightly. With a heart as light as feathers she flitter about, every challenge is faced with a wink and a laugh. She collect the raindrops from the leaves of the willowing trees, eyes filled with wonder as she travels life's path. She gathers sweet nectar from fine smelling clover, makes miniature houses on branches of trees. Her hours are filled with the softest of pleasures until she settles down into a slumberous ease. Dreams full of magic carries her to the dawn, and in these hours is pleasantest rest. Weaving thoughts of tomorrow all hopeful and splendid. Resilient, lighthearted, radiant and free will the Wandering Fairy always be.
Shevy is my soul mate, but not in the traditional sense that we associate soulmates to be, it goes much deeper than that. We met in our Std 8 maths class and our mutual obsession of Grease got the ball rolling and pretty soon we planned to go on a Contiki trip through Europe as soon as we finished Matric. We stuck to our plan and did it. We had the adventure of a lifetime. I will never forget my experience with Shev in Europe, it was just such a definitive moment in our lives. We still never learnt how to put a tent up properly, but it taught and showed us so much about life outside of South Africa. Shev has been in Sydney, Australia for the last 3 years and has just finished her degree in Sports Psychology (I beam with pride!) and I hope she does return to the UK so we can once again join forces! Where shall I begin to describe my love and affection for Shev…there is a saying “Dynamite comes in small packages” well Shev fits this expression perfectly! She is such a funkadelic, charming and witty Libra and she probably knows me inside and out. She never judges me or my actions and I feel totally at home around her. We plan to retire together and settle in a villa near a golf course! So in carrying through this intention, I see Shevaun in my past, present and future…
Frodo gathers her belongings and sets out on yet another trip, but before departing her Shire, she bids farewell to Merly, her lifelong companion and most treasured find. No tears are shed, instead Frodo sprinkles magical fairy dust upon Merly and Frodo takes for herself, a tiny bit of Merly’s essence. This essence she places in her pocket and keeps it with her through all her travels. To lands of pyramids, rolling mountains, salt plains, waterfalls, jungles of concrete and amazon, deserts, majestic table mountains and back to green hillsides. Through all her adventures, Frodo always brings Merly out to share the sights and splendor of what she sees, what she hears, thinks and experiences. When they next meet again, their reunion will be one of utter joy and they will dance in circle around each other, embracing their spirits, until once again they are binded together by all that is the past, present and future. For they are meant to always find each other, in this lifetime and the many lifetimes passed before. Always together, in spirit, in memory, in life.
Simone was also in the same high school as me, but it was only really after matric, that we really got to know each other and become friends. In high school (and now too!) Simone was one of those girls who you just did not want to mess with! What you see is exactly what you get. No games. She has an exterior intensity that can just draw you in or push you away. Luckily for me, I was reeled in and fell hook, line and sinker for this bundle of Sim joy! Beneath her gregarious and bubbly personality, lies a deeply compassionate and soft soul. Like a toffee with a melting, caramel centre. We have shared many raucous, loud, crazy, fun and memorable parties and moments together. It is like an everlasting firecracker goes off when Simone gets into full swing. When Simone and Chris moved to England two years ago, our friendship grew and keeps growing. In Simone’s company, I feel so at ease, as we share our feelings, thoughts, hopes and dreams. She has gotten me through a really tough time of late, and I cherish all her kind words of wisdom and advice that she has so freely given me. I hope to return that favour in the future. Simone is back in SA now, and although it’s always so difficult to find your feet again, after being away for so long, I know she will find her way soon and the doors of opportunity will be open wide for her.
" A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."~ Arabian Proverb
"Soul mates are locked at the heart and written in the heavens, promised to find one another when the time is right."
I was in the presence of Tyran since I was 11 or 12. But I only met him in September last year in South Africa. Confused? It’s only the beginning! We went to the same primary school, but we only formally were introduced last year when I went with Christine, Rox and Werner to Robertson. Although I kept referring to him as Trevor for the first day, we instantly connected! I can’t say I have ever formed such a deep friendship with someone, in such a short space. It was like upon meeting, our souls remembered each other from a lifetime previous. We share an uncanny telepathic connection – he mostly gets in there first, before I can proclaim it was my idea in the first place! Great minds indeed, think alike! Tyran is an IT wizard, and once you are lucky enough to get to know him, he throws all stereotypes of the profession, out the window. We have been to trance parties together and share many conversations about everything. It is difficult to describe the being that is the Tyrant, but I shall try in my own words and feelings. His human form loves all things scientific, logical, mathematical and technological. He loves people, understanding what makes them tick and all the little idiosyncrasies that make us individual. Curiosity will definitely not kill this cat (he is also of the magnificent Leo breed!). He is like a eager child, questioning the why? what ifs? how come? of life and people. But Tyran the Soul is a remarkable being and I struggle to find the words to describe all the good things I wish upon him and how I want to walk with him on his journey of self discovery and purpose. I see him in this vision…
On known lands, he begins his daily walk around his fields, he knows all the paths and routes – he walks them every day. One day he is distracted by the sight of a white rabbit, eagerly follows the rabbit and loses his path. The rabbit has led him to the entrance of a forest that he has never come across before. Was it always there? Should he turn back and find his path again, or should he follow the rabbit. Where will the rabbit take him? Is it safe? What is in the forest? Will reason win over curiosity? He throws caution to the wind and ventures into the forest and beholds in wonder the enchanting sights that engulf his senses. Although only on the edges of this forest, he can see far beyond the trees’ shadows, to a place of inner peace, solitude, hope and unity. A forest of such immense discovery and enlightenment, he can barely contain his excitement at this new discovery. How far shall he go into the rabbit’s hole…or shall he just turn back? When the time is right I know he will dive into the rabbit hole and he will arrive at his destination that he was always destined to be at. We continue to wave at each other under skies of different stars, until our waving hands meet with binded fingertips.
Wern Wern Wern! I met Werner through Roxanne a few years ago, and instantly liked him. Wern loves to entertain and be entertained! He is the master party organizer and you are always guaranteed a grand time when you are around him. When Werner is not being the Wern, he really is such a gentle being. Werner is such a friendly, down to earth and generous soul and he really does hold his friends in the highest regard. His friends (and Rox of course!) are what makes him happy and he will go to the ends of the earth and back again if you are privileged enough to be one of them. He loves sharing and his charm and generosity are unending, but he never asks for anything in return. Wern is also such a Leo (I am forming quite a Leo collection hey!) and embraces all the great qualities of his sun sign (optimistic, dignified, outspoken, loyal, focused and just down right lovable!) Wern has such a big heart and his energy brings him such success in life. Wern has said to me that he feels he is a ‘young soul’ because he just wants to be young forever and wants to experience everything. If only all of us could embrace the youthful enthusiasm and wanting that Wern has. Just stay as you are – just be The Wern!
The magnificent lion stalks across the savannah, he paces in sleek chivalric certainty. He creeps and he crawls in search of the curious. He lives a sleek, solitary and sensual existence carrying his aloof and imperious nature on broad shoulders. He lazes under the beating sun, absorbing the rays. He rolls around and prances about among the lady lions – always enjoying his dashing displays of ‘leoness’ grandeur. He takes long walks by himself, contemplating this and that, but always returning to his loyal posse that greets him with great affection. He will always gaze silently down on the setting dusk and up at the rising dawn, because this lion pays his worship to his sun, his giver of abundant energy and life. He is the lion whose mystique and idolatry is the elegant exemplary.
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