I have read this book a while ago (I actually first heard of the book from this crazy and sweet Canadian girl, Amanda, on my 2001 Contiki tour) and when Ty mentioned it in his email this morning, I thought I’d post a blog about it. It’s a wonderful, charming and true to life philosophical read – read it if you can! This is what it is all about…
The Tao of Pooh is a book by Benjamin Hoff, which is an elementary but entertaining introduction to Taoism, using the fictional character of Winnie the Pooh. Hoff uses Winnie the Pooh and the other characters from A.A. Milne's stories to explain in simple terms the basic principles of philosophical Taoism. The book also includes many translated excerpts from various Taoist texts, from authors such as Leo Zi and Zhuang Zi.Although people have vastly differing views on what "Taoism" is, the book has been praised for successfully introducing Taoist concepts to much of the western world.
Winnie the Pooh has a certain way about him, a way of doing things which has made him the world's most beloved bear. And Pooh's Way, as Benjamin Hoff brilliantly demonstrates, seems strangely close to the ancient Chinese principles of Taoism. The 'Tao of Pooh' explains Taoism by Winnie the Pooh and explains Winnie the Pooh by Taoism. It makes you understand what A.A. Milne probably meant when he said he didn't write the Pooh-books for children in the first place.
Over the centuries Taoism classic teachings were developed and divided into philosophical, monastic, and folk religious forms. But the basic Taoism is simply a particular way of appreciating, learning from, and working with whatever happens in everyday life. From the Taoist point of view, the natural result of this harmonious way of living is happiness.
One of the basic principles of Taoism is P'U, the Uncarved Block. The essence of the Uncarved Block is that things in their original simplicity contain their own natural power, power that is easily spoiled and lost when that simplicity is changed. This principle applies not only to things, but to people as well. Or Bears. Which brings us to Pooh, the very Epitome of the Uncarved Block. When you discard arrogance, complexity, and a few, other things that get in the way, sooner or later you will discover that simple, childlike, and mysterious secret known to those of the Uncarved Block: Life is Fun.
Along with that comes the ability to do things spontaneously and have them work, odd as that may appear to others at times. As Piglet put it "Pooh hasn't much Brain, but he never comes to any harm. He does silly things and they turn out right."
Owl instead, is the opposite of Pooh, the Knowledge for the sake of Appearing Wise, the one who studies Knowledge for the sake of Knowledge, and who keeps what he learns to himself or to his own small group, rather than working for the enlightenment of others. But sometimes the knowledge of the scholar is a bit hard to understand because it doesn't seem to match up with our own experience of things. Isn't the knowledge that comes from experience more valuable than the knowledge that doesn't?
While Owl's little routine is that of Knowledge for the sake of Appearing Wise, Eeyore's is that of Knowledge for the sake of Complaining About Something and Rabbit's is that of Knowledge of Being Clever. As anyone who doesn't have it can see, the Eeyore Attitude gets in the way of things like wisdom and happiness, and pretty much prevents any sort of real Accomplishment in life. Cleverness, after all, has its limitations. Its mechanical judgments and clever remarks tend to prove inaccurate with passing time, because it doesn't look very deeply into things to begin with. The thing that makes someone truly different -unique, in fact- is something that Cleverness cannot really understand.
"A fish can't whistle and neither can I." There's nothing wrong with not being able to whistle, especially if you're a fish. But there can be lots of things wrong with blindly trying to do what you aren't designed for. Unfortunately, some people aren't so wise, and end up causing big trouble for themselves and others. The wise know their limitations; the foolish do not.
To demonstrate what we mean, we can think of no one better than Tigger, who doesn't know his limitations ('Tiggers can do everything'), which brings him in lots of trouble. Piglet instead knows his limitations and that's what makes him sometimes more braver than you would expect from such a small animal. So, the first thing we need to do is recognize and trust our own Inner Nature, and not lose sight of it. Inside the Bouncy Tigger is the Rescuer who knows the Way, and in each of us is something Special, and that we need to keep.
Quotes from 'The Tao of Pooh'
"Tigger is all right really," said Piglet lazily."Of course he is," said Christopher Robin."Everybody is really," said Pooh. "That's what I think," said Pooh. "But I don't suppose I'm right," he said."Of course you are," said Christopher Robin.
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh."Not that many listen though.""That's the problem."
You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are. Everything has its own place and function. That applies to people, although many don't seem to realize it, stuck as they are in the wrong job, the wrong marriage, or the wrong house. When you know and respect your Inner Nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong.
From the state of the Uncarved Block comes the ability to enjoy the simple and the quiet, the natural and the plain. Along with that comes the ability to do things spontaneously and have them work, odd as that may appear to others at times.
"Pooh hasn't much Brain, but he never comes to any harm. He does silly things and they turn out right."
"Just How do you do it, Pooh?""Do What?" asked Pooh."Become so Effortless.""I don't do much of anything," he said."But all those things of yours get done.""They just sort of happen," he said"
"While Eeyore frets ... ... and Piglet hesitates... and Rabbit calculates ... and Owl pontificates...Pooh just is."
"Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind, "Pooh!," he whispered."Yes, Piglet?""Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."
"Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully."Yes,"said Piglet, "Rabit's clever.""And he has Brain.""Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."There was a long silence."I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything."
"Well, what do you think, Pooh?" I said. "Think about what?" asked Pooh. "The Tao of Pooh, of course." "The how of Pooh?" asked Pooh. "Do we have to go through that again?" I said. "Go through what again?" asked Pooh. ""The Tao of Pooh," I said. "What's the Tao of Pooh?" "You know - the Uncarved Block, the Cottleston Pie Principle, the Pooh Way, That Sort of Bear, and all that." "Oh," said Pooh. "That's the Tao of Pooh," I said. "Oh," said Pooh. "How would you describe it?" I asked. "Well ... this just came to me," he said, "I'll sing it to you." "All right." "Now, then ... (erhum)," To know the Way, We go the Way; We do the Way The way we do The things we do. It's all there in front of you, But if you try too hard to see it, You'll only become Confused. I am me, And you are you, As you can see; But when you do The things that you can do, You will find the Way, And the Way will follow you. "That's what I think it is," he said. "Perfect," I said, "But you know, don't you ..." "Know what?" said Pooh. "It's the same thing." "Oh," said Pooh, "so it is."
1 comment:
Thanks Kitty! It caught my eye in the bookshop the other day, and now I know I have to read it!
Love Lobelia xoxo
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