Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back from Elusiveness

I have indeed deglected my little blog for too long - I will try and make up for it my posting loads of pictures of the festive season....

Christmas in Cape Town and a bit of New Years in Brighton and some of my beautiful nephew William - its all been a bit of a blur and just starting to get back to a semi state of normality - university starts next week and Tyran arrives next Sunday!

Ok so here are some snapshot collages for my few days in Cape Town - alas I could not spend nearly as much time with all my friends and family as I wanted to but I didnt have many days :(

Some of William

And of Brighton on New Years day with Jo and Justin - very cold and windy, but clear blue skies!

The next adventure is Amsterdam in two weeks time with Jodene, Tyran and Justin - wow its going to be fabulous - so will be taking lots of cultural and not so cultural pics - actually I cant promise what pictures Ill end up taking, it is after all Amsterdam and its a crazy city!

Love and light Orangeblossom xxx