EARTHDANCE September 16, 2006
THE GLOBAL FESTIVAL FOR PEACE - Uniting over 250 locations in 50 countries through music and dancein celebration of peace
The highlight of the Earthdance event is a simultaneous link up, when every event across the world plays the Prayer for Peace. Morning in the Australian rainforest, midnight in London, and sunrise over the Himalayas, the Prayer for Peace is a profound and powerful moment that unifies our intentions for World peace and healing.
"We are one global family
All colors, All races, One world united.
We dance for peace and the healing of our planet Earth
Peace for all nations.
Peace for our communities.
And peace within ourselves.
As we join all dance floors across the world,let us connect heart to heart.
Through our diversity we recognize Unity.
Through our compassion we recognize Peace.
Our love is the power to transform our world
Let us send it out
The Mission
Our mission is to promote peace by joining participants worldwide in a synchronized PRAYER FOR PEACE and to support humanitarian causes through the global language of music and dance.
The Goal
Our goal is to inspire participation from promoters, clubs, artists, musicians and peace-lovers worldwide to dedicate one day to support humanitarian efforts and help unite people from all nations in a day of peaceful celebration and harmony. This year we are expanding the circle to include anyone interested in world peace, even if you can't make it to an official event.
The Objective
Our objective is to create as many Earthdance events around the world as possible. From public stadium concerts to private living room gatherings, there are no conditions on how big or small an event has to be. The spirit of Earthdance is participation on whatever level possible.
In the spirit of "Think Global, Act Local," each local promoter must donate at least 50% of their profits to a local charity related to one of the following categories:
* The Welfare of Children & Urban Youth
* Indigenous Peoples
* International Relief and Development;
* Environmental Sustainability & Protection
* Organizations that help Promote Peace
Give Peace a Dance…check out http://www.earthdance.org/ for further details and the cities listing where the parties are going to be happening.
I am going to be lucky enough to be in Cape Town for Earthdance (like last year with Jo and Chris!) and I will look up at the moon and send out my love and energy to those I hold dear.
Peace, Love and Earthdance
Orangeblossom xxx